Fitness and Weight Updates

by Amy Bunch in

2013 vs 2023

Happy Wednesday Everyone! I’m back with another fitness and update post. Since it been about 4 month since I did one of these last. Not to much has change since my last one. Since the last one I did. I have gain a little over a pound.

I’m currently sitting at 129.1. When I did my last post in April I was 128.2. Which I’m not mad about where I’m at weight wise. Since I have been working my butt off. Which you can see a huge different from my side by side of 2013 vs 2023.

For my workouts I’m still using Tonal. I have been using for over a year. Since using it my strength score has gone up by 97%. Which is awesome. Baby girl is 50 pounds and I have no issue with carrying her around. Which I do a lot. Even tho I have gain some weight. I have also gain muscle.

Which they say muscle weight more than fat. In the last five years I have lost a total of 65.9 pounds. Since having baby girl. I get told all the time I look better now than I did before baby girl. I can tell you I feel 10 time better now. Then I did 3 years ago. We will see what the next few month lead to. My all time goal is to be 125. So we will see if that happen this year.